“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort.”—2 COR. 1:3.
FROM our birth on, we feel the need for
comfort. A baby uses its vocal cords to let
us know when it needs comfort. Perhaps it
wants to be held or it is hungry. Even when
we are older, we often feel the need to be
comforted. Especially is this the case when
we are experiencing difficult situations.
2 Family members and friends can often
give us a degree of comfort. At times, how-
ever,conditions that cause us distress are be-
yond human remedies. Only God can give
us comfort regardless of how distressing our
situation may be. His Word assures us: “Je-
hovah is near to all those calling upon him,
. . . and their cry for help he will hear.” (Ps.
145:18, 19) Yes, “the eyes of Jehovah are to-
ward the righteous ones, and his ears are to-
ward their cry for help.” (Ps. 34:15) But if we
are to receive God’s support and comfort, we
must place our trust in him. The psalmist
David made that clear when he sang: “Jeho-
vah will become a secure height for anyone
crushed, a secure height in times of distress.
And those knowing your name will trust in
you, for you will certainly not leave those
lookingfor you, O Jehovah.”—Ps.9:9,10.
3 Jehovah’s worshippers are precious to
him. Jesus made this clear when he said:
“Five sparrows sell for two coins of small val-
ue, do they not? Yet not one of them goes
forgotten before God. But even the hairs of
your heads are all numbered. Have no fear;
you are worth more than many sparrows.”
(Luke 12:6, 7) Through the prophet Jeremi-
ah, Jehovah told His ancient people:“With a
love to time indefinite I have loved you.
That is why I have drawn you with loving-
4 Trusting in Jehovah and in the fulfill-
ment of his promises can bring us comfort
in times of distress. We should therefore
have the same trust in God as that expressed
by Joshua, who declared:“Not one word out
of all the good words that Jehovah your God
has spoken to you has failed. They have all
come true for you. Not one word of them
has failed.” (Josh. 23:14) Moreover, we can
be certain that even if we are temporarily
crushed by trying situations, “God is faith-
ful”and will never forsake his loyal servants.
—Read 1Corinthians10:13.
5 The apostle Paul refers to Jehovah as
“the God of all comfort.” “To comfort”
means to soothe someone who is in distress
or who is sorrowing. This is done by easing
his misery or grief and bringing him conso-
lation. Jehovah certainly does this. (Read
2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.) Our heavenly Father
is not limited by anything or anyone and
therefore has at his disposal whatever means
are needed to provide comfort for those who love him. In turn,
we are able to comfortfellow believers “in any sort of tribulation.”
we are able to comfortfellow believers “in any sort of tribulation.”
We can do so “through the comfort with which we ourselves
are being comforted by
are being comforted by
God.”How well this expresses Jehovah’s un-
matched ability to comfort despairing ones!
Coping With the Causes of Distress
6 We need comfort in many areas of life.
One of the greatest causes of grief is the loss
of a loved one in death, especially a beloved
marriage mate or a child. Comfort may also
be needed because a person is a victim of
discrimination or prejudice. Poor health,
advanced age, poverty, marital problems, or
distressing world conditions can give rise to
a personal need for comfort.
7 In times of distress, we may need com-
fort that soothes our heart, our mind, our
emotions, and both our physical and spiri-
tual health. For example, consider the heart.
God’s Word acknowledges that our heart
can be “broken and crushed.” (Ps. 51:17) Je-
hovah is certainly able to deal with this situ-
ation, for “he is healing the brokenhearted
ones,and is binding up their painful spots.”
(Ps.147:3) Even in severe situations, God can
bring relief to a stricken heart if we pray to
him in full faith and observe his command-
ments.—Read 1John3:19-22; 5:14,15.
8 Our mind often needs comfort because
various trials can cause great mental dis-
tress. In our own strength, we likely cannot
cope with these tests of faith. However,
the psalmist sang: “When my disquieting
thoughts became many inside of me, your
own consolations began to fondle my soul.”
(Ps.94:19) Moreover, Paul wrote:“Do not be
anxious over anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication along with thanks-
giving let your petitions be made known to
God; and the peace of God that excels all
thought will guard your hearts and your
mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.”
(Phil.4:6,7)Reading and meditating on the
Scriptures can be of great help in coping
with mental distress.—2Tim.3:15-17.
9 At times, we may become so discour-
aged that we can be in danger of succumb-
ing to the effects of negative emotions. Per-
haps we feel unable to care for a certain
Scriptural responsibility or privilege of ser-
vice. Here, too, Jehovah can comfort and
help us. To illustrate: When Joshua was
commissioned to lead the Israelites against
powerful enemy nations, Moses told the
people: “Be courageous and strong. Do not
be afraid or suffer a shock before them, be-
cause Jehovah your God is the one march-
ing with you.He will neither desert you nor
leave you entirely.” (Deut. 31:6) With Jeho-
vah’s backing,Joshua was able to lead God’s
people into the Promised Land and to victo-
ry over all their enemies. Earlier at the Red
Sea, Moses had experienced similar divine
10 Distressing events can have a negative
effect on our physical health. Of course, eat-
ing properly, getting sufficient rest and exer-
cise, and keeping clean can have a good
effect on us. A spiritually healthy Bible-
based outlook may well affect our body for
the good. Thus, it is helpful when going
through some anguish that we bear in
mind Paul’s experience and encouraging
words:“We are pressed in every way, but not
cramped beyond movement; we are per-
plexed, but not absolutely with no way out;
we are persecuted, but not left in the lurch
Ps.147:3; 1John 3:19-22; 5:14,15
Ps. 94:19; Phil. 4:6, 7
Ex.14:13,14; Deut. 31:6
physical health
2 Cor. 4:8, 9
ˇ spiritual health
Ps.145:14; Jas. 5:14,15
we are thrown down, but not destroyed.”
11 Some trials can have a detrimental ef-
fect on our spiritual health. Here, too, Jeho-
vah can come to our rescue. His Word as-
sures us: “Jehovah is giving support to all
who are falling, and is raising up all who are
bowed down.” (Ps.145:14) For help to coun-
teract spiritual illness, we should seek the as-
sistance of Christian elders. (Jas. 5:14, 15)
And constantly keeping in mind the Scrip-
tural hope of everlasting life can help to sus-
tain us during tests of our faith.—John 17:3.
Examples of God-Given Comfort
12 An inspired psalmist declared: “Re-
member the word to your servant, for which
you [Jehovah] have made me wait. This is
my comfort in my affliction, for your own
saying has preserved me alive.” (Ps. 119:49,
50) Today, we have Jehovah’s written Word,
which contains many examples of God-
given comfort. For instance, Abraham may
have been quite distressed when he learned
that Jehovah was going to destroy Sod-
om and Gomorrah. That faithful patriarch
asked God: “Will you really sweep away the
righteous with the wicked?” Jehovah com-
forted Abraham by assuring him that if only
50 righteous people could be found, He
would not destroy Sodom. Five more times,
however, Abraham asked Jehovah: What if
there are only 45 righteous people? 40? 30?
20? 10? Each time, Jehovah very patiently
and kindly assured Abraham that Sodom
would be spared. Although there were not
even ten righteous people in the area, Jeho-
vah did preserve Lot and his daughters.
13 Elkanah’s wife Hannah greatly desired
to have a child.But she was barren, and this
distressed her. She prayed to Jehovah about
the matter, and High Priest Eli said to her:
“May the God of Israel grant your petition.”
This comforted Hannah, “and her face be-
came self-concerned no more.” (1 Sam.1:8,
17, 18) Hannah trusted in Jehovah, con-
fidently leaving things in his hands. Al-
though she did not know what the outcome
would be, Hannah experienced inner peace.
In time, Jehovah answered her prayer. She
became pregnant and brought a son to
birth,naming him Samuel.—1Sam.1:20.
14 King David of ancient Israel is another
example of an individual comforted by
God. Inasmuch as Jehovah “sees what the
heart is,” when he selected David to be a fu-
ture king of Israel, he knew that David was
sincere and devoted to true worship. (1Sam.
16:7; 2 Sam. 5:10) Later, however, David
committed adultery with Bath-sheba and
tried to cover up the sin by having her hus-
band killed.When David came to realize the
enormity of his sin, he prayed to Jehovah:
“According to the abundance of your mer-
cies wipe out my transgressions. Thorough-
ly wash me from my error, and cleanse me
even from my sin. For my transgressions I
myself know, and my sin is in front of me
constantly.” (Ps. 51:1-3) David was truly re-
pentant, and Jehovah forgave him. How-
ever, David had to face the consequences of
his wrongdoing. (2 Sam.12:9-12) Neverthe-
less, Jehovah’s mercy was a source of com-
fort to his humble servant.
15 When on earth, Jesus faced many
trying circumstances. God permitted these
tests of faith, and Jesus maintained his in-
tegrity as a perfect man who always trusted
in Jehovah and upheld His sovereignty
When about to be betrayed and executed,
Jesus prayed to Jehovah: “Let, not my will,
but yours take place.” An angel then ap-
peared to Jesus and strengthened him. (Luke
22:42, 43) God gave Jesus the comfort,
strength, and support he needed at that
16 Even if we ourselves should face death
because of our firm stand as Christians, Je-
hovah can and will help us to maintain our
integrity to him. Furthermore, we are com-
forted by the hope of the resurrection. And
how we look forward to the day when the
last enemy,death,“is to be brought to noth-
ing”! (1 Cor. 15:26) God’s loyal servants
who have died, as well as others, are in Jeho-
vah’s infallible memory and will be resur-
rected. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) Confi-
dence in Jehovah’s resurrection promise
brings us comfort and a sure hope during
times of persecution.
17 How comforting it is to know that our
loved ones now asleep in mankind’s com-
mon grave have the prospect of resuming
life in a wonderful new world free of all the
present-day causes of distress! And what a
privilege it will be for the “great crowd” of
Jehovah’s servants who survive the end of
this wicked system of things to welcome
and instruct those resurrected to life on
Underneath Are God’s Eternal Arms
18 In the words of a powerful and heart-
warming song, Moses assured the people of
Israel: “A hiding place is the God of ancient
time, and underneath are the indefinitely
lasting arms.” (Deut. 33:27) The prophet
Samuel later told the Israelites:“Do not turn
aside from following Jehovah, and you must
serve Jehovah with all your heart. . . . Jeho-
vah will not desert his people for the sake of
his great name.” (1Sam.12:20-22) As long as
we cling to Jehovah in true worship, he will
never forsake us. He will always give us the
support we need.
19 God is unfailingly giving his people
needed help and comfort in these critical
last days. For over a century, thousands of
our fellow believers throughout the world
have been persecuted and imprisoned just
because they served Jehovah. Their experi-
ences prove that in times of trial, Jehovah
does indeed comfort his servants.For exam-
ple,one of our brothers in the former Soviet
Union was sentenced to 23 years in prison
because of his faith. Even so, a way was
found to get spiritual food to him so that he
could be strengthened and comforted. He
stated: “During all those years, I learned to
trust in Jehovah and received strength from
him.”—Read 1Peter 5:6,7.
20 Regardless of what we may yet face, we
will do well to bear in mind the psalmist’s
comforting words:“Jehovah will not forsake
his people.” (Ps.94:14) Although we person-
ally need to be comforted, we also have the
grand privilege of bringing comfort to oth-
ers. As we shall see in the next article,we can
have a share in comforting mourning ones
in this troubled world.