Wednesday, February 23, 2011

news about the brothers in New Zealand (earthquake)


On Wednesday 23rd February 2011, @payunirbabae said:

Just received an email from friends in New Zealand with update on earthquake and our brothers and sisters. ----

"Hi friends,
Received a letter from the branch about the Christchurch earthquake which will be read tomorrow at the meeting

In short in says

The disaster relief committee in Christchurch set about established communication with the 12 congregations in the region directly impacted within hours of earthquake.
the committee reported no serious injury to any of our brothers & sisters and none are reported missing or among those confirmed to have died.
Superficial and structural damaged has been sustained to the homes of many of our brothers, some have had to relocate among family & friends.
Although Kingdom Halls have escaped serious damage, kingdom halls in the region are being inspected and repaired, 3 kingdom halls can not be used until water services is restored.

The committee is helping local body of elders to arrange regular congregation meetings, and focusing on the immediate spiritual and emotional needs of our brothers & sisters

We all can heave a sigh of relief"

1 comment:

  1. Thats wonderful to know they have been kept safe. They've been in my prayers since hearing.
    Jah Blessing!
