#DTK JWs "' You are the light of the world.'—Matt. 5:14.
Jesus told his disciples that they were “the light of the world” and urged them to let their light shine so that people might see their “fine works,” or good deeds to others. This would result in spiritual illumination “before men,” or for the benefit of mankind. (Matt. 5:16) Today, we let our light shine by doing good to our neighbors and by sharing in the work of preaching the good news “in all the world,” that is, “in all the nations.” (Matt. 26:13; Mark 13:10) What a privilege we enjoy! Jesus did not want his disciples to hide their spiritual light under a figurative measuring basket. (Matt. 5:15) So we must let our light shine, never permitting opposition or persecution to make us hide Scriptural truth or keep it to ourselves. w08 5/15 1:12, 14"
Hi, this is my blog to share encouraging thoughts - mostly from the Holy Bible and publications of the Watchtower Society. It started as a challenge to do one thing (write something encouraging was my choice) for one hundred days. I like doing it, so i decided not to stop at 100! Have a great and uplifting day, and may Jehovah bless you. : )
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
my help is from Jehovah Ps 121:2
RT @SisMargitt My help is from Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth. -Ps 121:2
do not be anxious; always pray Phil 4:6,7
RT @ebrophy: @SisMargitt in everything by prayer ... make your petitions known to God. And the peace of God that excels all thought will guard [you] >> Phil. 4:6,7
"Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."
"Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."
Monday, March 29, 2010
Jah will "make us stand", not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear
(Romans 14:4) . . .Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand.
(1 Corinthians 10:13) No temptation has taken YOU except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let YOU be tempted beyond what YOU can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for YOU to be able to endure it.
(1 Corinthians 10:13) No temptation has taken YOU except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let YOU be tempted beyond what YOU can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for YOU to be able to endure it.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 118 - endure till the end
#DTK JWs "'He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.'—Matt. 10:22.
Pursuing the goal of everlasting life requires endurance. Jesus showed how his disciples could get the needed strength to endure. In one illustration, he likened rocky soil to individuals who “receive [God’s] word with joy” but fall away when faced with tests of faith. However, he likened his faithful followers to fine soil in that they “retain” the word of God and “bear fruit with endurance.” (Luke 8:13, 15) Did you notice the secret to endurance? We must “retain” God’s word, keeping it alive in our hearts and minds. Our meditating on a portion of God’s Word every day will help us to find the needed strength to keep on bearing fruit “with endurance.”—Ps. 1:1, 2. w08 6/15 2:14-16
Memorial Bible reading: (Events on Nisan 11) Luke 21:1-36"
Pursuing the goal of everlasting life requires endurance. Jesus showed how his disciples could get the needed strength to endure. In one illustration, he likened rocky soil to individuals who “receive [God’s] word with joy” but fall away when faced with tests of faith. However, he likened his faithful followers to fine soil in that they “retain” the word of God and “bear fruit with endurance.” (Luke 8:13, 15) Did you notice the secret to endurance? We must “retain” God’s word, keeping it alive in our hearts and minds. Our meditating on a portion of God’s Word every day will help us to find the needed strength to keep on bearing fruit “with endurance.”—Ps. 1:1, 2. w08 6/15 2:14-16
Memorial Bible reading: (Events on Nisan 11) Luke 21:1-36"
Saturday, March 27, 2010
God remembers that we are dust
@M*C*L* don't worry about "crashing" - you did your best! that is all Jehovah asks of us - (Psalm 103:14) "For he himself well knows the formation of us, Remembering that we are dust."
**** Will you be there? - the Memorial of Christs' death
MRT @Sacredsecret Will you be there? Memorial- Jesus Gave His life for Many: An invitation for March 30, 2010 http://www.jw-tube.com/videos/168/memorial-jesus-gave-his-life-for-many
keep on seeking first the Kingdom
#DTK JWs "'Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and [God’s] righteousness.'—Matt. 6:33.
Jesus assures us that if we do this, the things we really need will be added to us. How can we show that we believe this promise? One way is to abide by God’s standard of what is right as regards financial matters. For instance, we refuse to falsify our tax returns or to tell even “little” lies in our business dealings. We do all within our power to honor our financial commitments, letting our “Yes mean Yes” when it comes to paying off debts. (Matt. 5:37; Ps. 37:21) Such honesty may not make a person rich, but it brings God’s approval, produces a clean conscience, and greatly reduces anxiety. Seeking first the Kingdom involves having our priorities in order, so that possessions and pleasure are not our masters, but are tools that help us worship Jehovah. And the more active we are in work that supports God’s Kingdom, the less likely we are to be overcome by the spirit of the world. w08 9/15 4:17, 18
Memorial Bible reading: (Events on Nisan 10) John 12:20-50"
Jesus assures us that if we do this, the things we really need will be added to us. How can we show that we believe this promise? One way is to abide by God’s standard of what is right as regards financial matters. For instance, we refuse to falsify our tax returns or to tell even “little” lies in our business dealings. We do all within our power to honor our financial commitments, letting our “Yes mean Yes” when it comes to paying off debts. (Matt. 5:37; Ps. 37:21) Such honesty may not make a person rich, but it brings God’s approval, produces a clean conscience, and greatly reduces anxiety. Seeking first the Kingdom involves having our priorities in order, so that possessions and pleasure are not our masters, but are tools that help us worship Jehovah. And the more active we are in work that supports God’s Kingdom, the less likely we are to be overcome by the spirit of the world. w08 9/15 4:17, 18
Memorial Bible reading: (Events on Nisan 10) John 12:20-50"
Friday, March 26, 2010
make mention that his name is put on high
RT @everlastinglife: The prophet Isaiah: "Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! Call upon his name. . . . Make mention that his name is put on high."—Isaiah 12:4.
earthquakes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
RT @jerenyun: RT @ColinEnglish: When he said there would be "earthquakes in one place after another", he wasn't joking.>> what?! there've only been 6, so far, TODAY! [in the last 24 hours] [but i would hate to try to count how many in the last 30 days!] @EQTW
Don't hold back from Matthew 24:14
RT @Sacredsecret
A sister worked at Wendy's as an assistant manager. One day as she was
working at the counter, a priest came in and she took his order. When
the order was ready she told him, "that will be $3.79 please, sir."
He said, "What?"
She repeated, "That will be $3.79 please, sir"
He said 'You're mistaken! It's Father.'
She told him, I'm sorry, my father is working today.'
He said "You're supposed to call me 'Father'."
She told him "The Bible says to call no man 'Father'."
He exclaimed, "These Jehovah's Witnesses are everywhere!" and left without
his order.
The next day he returned and asked for her. The manager informed her that a
priest was there to see her. She wondered what he wanted.
When she went out, he asked "Do you remember Me?"
"Yes, you forgot your order." She replied.
He said 'Never mind that. What I wanted was to know where the Bible
says to call no man Father.'
"You're asking me?!" the sister asked. She then showed him
Matthew 23:9 in the Bible he had brought.
He said, "I never knew that. Why do they call me Father?"
They talked a little while and she told him if he would come back, she
would give him a 'Knowledge' book.
He came back on a Wednesday and she gave him the book.
They talked a little while reading the book and having coffee.
Thursday he came back to return the book.
On Friday he came in about 2:30 p.m. and asked her "Guess who came to my
house this morning at 10:30?"
When she said she did not know, he told
her 'Jehovah's Witnesses.' He had thought she had sent them but she did
not know where he lived. They had just been going from house to house.
He told her 'I started a Bible Study.' He felt what they said made sense and
he had been thinking about the things she had been teaching which were
A few months went by and one day he came in to see her.
'What's new?' she asked.
'I got baptized a week ago. You can now call me brother.'
He was on his way back home to Italy after spending a year in Canada.
His family is now studying.
Don't hold back from Matthew 24:14. Enjoy a new day serving Jehovah.
A sister worked at Wendy's as an assistant manager. One day as she was
working at the counter, a priest came in and she took his order. When
the order was ready she told him, "that will be $3.79 please, sir."
He said, "What?"
She repeated, "That will be $3.79 please, sir"
He said 'You're mistaken! It's Father.'
She told him, I'm sorry, my father is working today.'
He said "You're supposed to call me 'Father'."
She told him "The Bible says to call no man 'Father'."
He exclaimed, "These Jehovah's Witnesses are everywhere!" and left without
his order.
The next day he returned and asked for her. The manager informed her that a
priest was there to see her. She wondered what he wanted.
When she went out, he asked "Do you remember Me?"
"Yes, you forgot your order." She replied.
He said 'Never mind that. What I wanted was to know where the Bible
says to call no man Father.'
"You're asking me?!" the sister asked. She then showed him
Matthew 23:9 in the Bible he had brought.
He said, "I never knew that. Why do they call me Father?"
They talked a little while and she told him if he would come back, she
would give him a 'Knowledge' book.
He came back on a Wednesday and she gave him the book.
They talked a little while reading the book and having coffee.
Thursday he came back to return the book.
On Friday he came in about 2:30 p.m. and asked her "Guess who came to my
house this morning at 10:30?"
When she said she did not know, he told
her 'Jehovah's Witnesses.' He had thought she had sent them but she did
not know where he lived. They had just been going from house to house.
He told her 'I started a Bible Study.' He felt what they said made sense and
he had been thinking about the things she had been teaching which were
A few months went by and one day he came in to see her.
'What's new?' she asked.
'I got baptized a week ago. You can now call me brother.'
He was on his way back home to Italy after spending a year in Canada.
His family is now studying.
Don't hold back from Matthew 24:14. Enjoy a new day serving Jehovah.
Jesus' sacrifice ransom
RT @Sacredsecret Jesus sacrifice ransom Christ redeem death paradise ruler king http://www.jw-tube.com/videos/192/who-is-jesus-christ?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Jah will deliver us
RT @SisMargittFor he will deliver the poor one crying for help, Also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. - Ps 72:12
God is not partial
RT @Sacredsecret I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him."—Acts 10:34, 35
may Jehovah bless you - RT @richietj77
RT @richietj77 @Sismargitt May Jehovah take care of your family and take care of your emotions too. You're (and always be) in our prayers!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
God, hurry to my assistance!
RT @SisMargitt O God, do not keep far away from me. O my God, do hurry to my assistance.—Ps. 71:12.
our worldwide brotherhood
salathieltj: @BC0035 fico feliz por saber que em todo o planeta cada vez mais pessoas se tornam membros da fraternidade de Jeová.
which means:
'm glad to know that across the planet more and more people become members of the brotherhood of Jehovah.
@salathieltj mim, também. Como está, irmão? Eu espero que você esteja bem. :)
me, too. how are you, brother? i hope you are well. : )
which means:
'm glad to know that across the planet more and more people become members of the brotherhood of Jehovah.
@salathieltj mim, também. Como está, irmão? Eu espero que você esteja bem. :)
me, too. how are you, brother? i hope you are well. : )
Monday, March 22, 2010
"The Lord's Evening Meal" song
via @payunirbabae: @tessc47 sent me this link to help practice new song #8. Thanks Tessie. http://bit.ly/adhX1l
"Taste and see that Jehovah is good."
#DTK JWs "' Taste and see that Jehovah is good.'—Ps. 34:8.
When King David of ancient Israel was a shepherd boy, Jehovah saved him from the attacks of wild animals. God supported him in his fight with Goliath and rescued him from many other calamities. (1 Sam. 17:32-51; Ps. 18, superscription) David was moved to write: “Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you.” (Ps. 40:5) David came to love Jehovah deeply and wanted to praise Him with his whole heart and mind. (Ps. 40:8-10) As the years passed, David never regretted spending his life worshipping the true God. Living with godly devotion was his greatest treasure—a source of happiness without equal. In old age, David said: “You are my hope, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah, my confidence from my youth.” (Ps. 71:5) David’s trust in Jehovah and friendship with Him became stronger, even though his physical strength had waned. w08 5/15 4:18, 19"
When King David of ancient Israel was a shepherd boy, Jehovah saved him from the attacks of wild animals. God supported him in his fight with Goliath and rescued him from many other calamities. (1 Sam. 17:32-51; Ps. 18, superscription) David was moved to write: “Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you.” (Ps. 40:5) David came to love Jehovah deeply and wanted to praise Him with his whole heart and mind. (Ps. 40:8-10) As the years passed, David never regretted spending his life worshipping the true God. Living with godly devotion was his greatest treasure—a source of happiness without equal. In old age, David said: “You are my hope, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah, my confidence from my youth.” (Ps. 71:5) David’s trust in Jehovah and friendship with Him became stronger, even though his physical strength had waned. w08 5/15 4:18, 19"
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Well, done, sis!
R*P*1984 it is soo wonderful, sis, that you went out in the ministry, td, even tough you were scared!
Psalms 126:5,6 applies to you:
"Those sowing seed with tears
Will reap even with a joyful cry.
The one that without fail goes forth, even weeping,
Carrying along a bagful of seed,
Will without fail come in with a joyful cry,
Carrying along his sheaves."
Psalms 126:5,6 applies to you:
"Those sowing seed with tears
Will reap even with a joyful cry.
The one that without fail goes forth, even weeping,
Carrying along a bagful of seed,
Will without fail come in with a joyful cry,
Carrying along his sheaves."
** What is the significance of Jesus' death? How can you benefit? **
2010 invitation to the Memorial of Jesus' death
check with your local Kingdom Hall for the time
if you want to email this to anyone, please feel free!
this is the url for this invitation:

check with your local Kingdom Hall for the time
if you want to email this to anyone, please feel free!
this is the url for this invitation:

Friday, March 19, 2010
may Jehovah bless you
@jinojosa good night, dear brother. may Jehovah bless your work for the congregation, and your family
Ps 23
RT @ColinEnglish: @MadCoreyLee Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. For God is with me. (paraphrase of Psalm 23)
23 "Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing. 2 In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; By well-watered resting-places he conducts me. 3 My soul he refreshes. He leads me in the tracks of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear nothing bad, For you are with me; Your rod and your staff are the things that comfort me. 5 You arrange before me a table in front of those showing hostility to me. With oil you have greased my head; My cup is well filled. 6 Surely goodness and loving-kindness themselves will pursue me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of Jehovah to the length of days."
23 "Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing. 2 In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; By well-watered resting-places he conducts me. 3 My soul he refreshes. He leads me in the tracks of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear nothing bad, For you are with me; Your rod and your staff are the things that comfort me. 5 You arrange before me a table in front of those showing hostility to me. With oil you have greased my head; My cup is well filled. 6 Surely goodness and loving-kindness themselves will pursue me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of Jehovah to the length of days."
God takes care of his own
#DTK JWs "'If you [Solomon] will . . . keep all my commandments by walking in them, . . . I shall not leave my people Israel.'—1 Ki. 6:12, 13.
In his old age, Solomon became unfaithful to Jehovah and began to engage in false worship. (1 Ki. 11:4-6) Gradually, Solomon ceased to obey Jehovah’s laws and became increasingly oppressive. This happened to such an extent that after his death, people complained about him to his son and successor, Rehoboam, and requested relief. (1 Ki. 12:4) How did Jehovah respond when Solomon became unfaithful? The Bible tells us: “Jehovah came to be incensed at Solomon, because his heart had inclined away from . . . the God of Israel, the one appearing to him twice.” Jehovah told Solomon: “For the reason that . . . you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I laid in command upon you, I shall without fail rip the kingdom away from off you, and I shall certainly give it to your servant.”—1 Ki. 11:9-11. w08 8/15 1:4-6"
In his old age, Solomon became unfaithful to Jehovah and began to engage in false worship. (1 Ki. 11:4-6) Gradually, Solomon ceased to obey Jehovah’s laws and became increasingly oppressive. This happened to such an extent that after his death, people complained about him to his son and successor, Rehoboam, and requested relief. (1 Ki. 12:4) How did Jehovah respond when Solomon became unfaithful? The Bible tells us: “Jehovah came to be incensed at Solomon, because his heart had inclined away from . . . the God of Israel, the one appearing to him twice.” Jehovah told Solomon: “For the reason that . . . you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I laid in command upon you, I shall without fail rip the kingdom away from off you, and I shall certainly give it to your servant.”—1 Ki. 11:9-11. w08 8/15 1:4-6"
Thursday, March 18, 2010
RT @sacredsecret BE ON THE WATCH!
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many congregations.They have been identified as:
Bin Sleepin; Bin Arguin; Bin Fightin; Bin Complainin; and Bin Missin.
Their leader, Satan Bin Workin, trained these groups to destroy the Christian Congregation....
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many congregations.They have been identified as:
Bin Sleepin; Bin Arguin; Bin Fightin; Bin Complainin; and Bin Missin.
Their leader, Satan Bin Workin, trained these groups to destroy the Christian Congregation....
The Ransom - God's greatest gift
What is the ransom?
How was it provided?
What can it mean for you?
How can you show that you appreciate it?
How was it provided?
What can it mean for you?
How can you show that you appreciate it?
Pursue love
#DTK JWs "'Pursue . . . love.'—2 Tim. 2:22.
Our godly devotion must include obedience to Jesus’ new commandment to “love one another” as he loved us. (John 13:34) The apostle John pointed out: “Whoever has this world’s means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of God remain in him?” (1 John 3:17) Can you think of occasions when you have displayed love in a practical way? Another way in which we pursue love is by being forgiving, not nursing grudges against our brothers. (1 John 4:20) We want to follow the inspired counsel: “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also.” (Col. 3:13) Is there someone in the congregation toward whom you could apply this counsel? Will you forgive him or her? w08 6/15 2:4, 12, 13"
Our godly devotion must include obedience to Jesus’ new commandment to “love one another” as he loved us. (John 13:34) The apostle John pointed out: “Whoever has this world’s means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of God remain in him?” (1 John 3:17) Can you think of occasions when you have displayed love in a practical way? Another way in which we pursue love is by being forgiving, not nursing grudges against our brothers. (1 John 4:20) We want to follow the inspired counsel: “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also.” (Col. 3:13) Is there someone in the congregation toward whom you could apply this counsel? Will you forgive him or her? w08 6/15 2:4, 12, 13"
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
day 103 Jehovah will assist us
#DTK JWs "'God, do not keep far away from me. O my God, do hurry to my assistance."—Ps. 71:12.
When David had been faced with determined enemies who were out to take his life, he chose not to take matters into his own hands. Instead, he trusted that Jehovah would deal with the opposers in his own time and way. (1 Sam. 26:10) David had no doubt that he would receive divine help. He continued firmly convinced that Jehovah helps and delivers those who seek him. (Heb. 11:6) David believed that such true worshippers have every reason to rejoice and to magnify Jehovah by telling others about his greatness. (Ps. 5:11; 35:27) Like David, we can have full confidence that Jehovah is our Helper and “the Provider of escape” for us. (Ps. 70:5) Hence, when we face difficult trials or feel in desperate need of assistance, we can rightly pray that Jehovah quickly come to our aid. w08 9/15 1:3-5"
When David had been faced with determined enemies who were out to take his life, he chose not to take matters into his own hands. Instead, he trusted that Jehovah would deal with the opposers in his own time and way. (1 Sam. 26:10) David had no doubt that he would receive divine help. He continued firmly convinced that Jehovah helps and delivers those who seek him. (Heb. 11:6) David believed that such true worshippers have every reason to rejoice and to magnify Jehovah by telling others about his greatness. (Ps. 5:11; 35:27) Like David, we can have full confidence that Jehovah is our Helper and “the Provider of escape” for us. (Ps. 70:5) Hence, when we face difficult trials or feel in desperate need of assistance, we can rightly pray that Jehovah quickly come to our aid. w08 9/15 1:3-5"
Monday, March 15, 2010
** What is the significance of Jesus' death? How can you benefit? **
2010 invitation to the Memorial of Jesus' death
check with your local Kingdom Hall for the time
if you want to email this to anyone, please feel free!
this is the url for this invitation:

check with your local Kingdom Hall for the time
if you want to email this to anyone, please feel free!
this is the url for this invitation:

Friday, March 12, 2010
Your seat at the Kingdom Hall
This also came from " Illustrations to Ponder":
A Circuit Overseer, gave an awesome talk during the portion, ‘Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit.’
He talked about meeting attendance.
He asked: how much would you pay for a seat at a world-class opera?
How much would you pay for a seat at a popular music concert?
How much money would you pay for a seat in one of the world’s finest educational institute?
[cont] http://illustrationstoponder.blogspot.com/2010/02/seat-at-kingdom-hall.html
A Circuit Overseer, gave an awesome talk during the portion, ‘Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit.’
He talked about meeting attendance.
He asked: how much would you pay for a seat at a world-class opera?
How much would you pay for a seat at a popular music concert?
How much money would you pay for a seat in one of the world’s finest educational institute?
[cont] http://illustrationstoponder.blogspot.com/2010/02/seat-at-kingdom-hall.html
Only in Jehovah's Organization - a funny "Witness" moment
i saw this on "Illustrations to Ponder":
Had a funny 'Witness' moment that I thought you'd appreciate. I was in the checkout line at the Asian Food Market. There was a woman in front of me purchasing her food items. As she reached into her purse to grab her wallet.
I saw the Watchtower and Awake Magazines in Chinese. [cont]
Had a funny 'Witness' moment that I thought you'd appreciate. I was in the checkout line at the Asian Food Market. There was a woman in front of me purchasing her food items. As she reached into her purse to grab her wallet.
I saw the Watchtower and Awake Magazines in Chinese. [cont]
do not be anxious
RT @Sacredsecret
Phil4:6: Do not be anxious over anything, in everything by prayersupplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God
Phil4:6: Do not be anxious over anything, in everything by prayersupplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God
there is no one holy like Jehovah
RT @SisMargitt There is no one holy like Jehovah, for there is no one but you; And there is no rock like our God. - 1 Sam 2:2
day 102 we are walking by faith
JWs #DTK "'We are walking by faith, not by sight.'—2 Cor. 5:7.
Why is faith important? Well, Jehovah leads us in “the tracks of righteousness,” but those tracks do not lead to wealth or privilege in this world. (Ps. 23:3) For that reason, our eye of faith needs to be fixed on the incomparable spiritual rewards that come from serving Jehovah. (2 Cor. 4:17, 18) And faith helps us to be content with modest material provisions. (1 Tim. 6:8) Jesus indicated that true worship involves self-sacrifice, which also takes faith. (Luke 9:23, 24) Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, enduring poverty, oppression, prejudice, even severe persecution. (2 Cor. 11:23-27; Rev. 3:8-10) Only strong faith enabled them to do so with joy. (Jas. 1:2, 3) Strong faith makes us absolutely confident that following Jehovah’s guidance is always best. We have no doubt whatsoever that the reward for those who loyally endure is far greater than any temporary suffering.—Heb. 11:6. w08 4/15 2:12, 13:"
Why is faith important? Well, Jehovah leads us in “the tracks of righteousness,” but those tracks do not lead to wealth or privilege in this world. (Ps. 23:3) For that reason, our eye of faith needs to be fixed on the incomparable spiritual rewards that come from serving Jehovah. (2 Cor. 4:17, 18) And faith helps us to be content with modest material provisions. (1 Tim. 6:8) Jesus indicated that true worship involves self-sacrifice, which also takes faith. (Luke 9:23, 24) Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, enduring poverty, oppression, prejudice, even severe persecution. (2 Cor. 11:23-27; Rev. 3:8-10) Only strong faith enabled them to do so with joy. (Jas. 1:2, 3) Strong faith makes us absolutely confident that following Jehovah’s guidance is always best. We have no doubt whatsoever that the reward for those who loyally endure is far greater than any temporary suffering.—Heb. 11:6. w08 4/15 2:12, 13:"
Thursday, March 11, 2010
here's your sign:
E*B* Quick! Someone give me a good reason that I should get out of my chair and prepare for the meeting instead of going to sleep!
BC: here's a reason Prov 16:10, 11
[which reads, "A little more sleep, a little more slumbering, a little more folding of the hands in lying down, and your poverty will certainly come just like some rover, and your want like an armed man"]
E*B* @BC0035 I don't think I can take on an armed man. Hmm, guess I'll get up then. Thank you dear sister :)
BC: here's a reason Prov 16:10, 11
[which reads, "A little more sleep, a little more slumbering, a little more folding of the hands in lying down, and your poverty will certainly come just like some rover, and your want like an armed man"]
E*B* @BC0035 I don't think I can take on an armed man. Hmm, guess I'll get up then. Thank you dear sister :)
just a little while longer...
@SisMargitt Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more.—Ps. 37:10
Jah knows how to deliver out of trial
RT @SisMargittJehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.—2 Pet. 2:9
trust in Jah
RT @SisMargitt Trust in him at all times, O people. Before him pour out YOUR heart. God is a refuge for us. —Ps. 62:8
day 100 cell Bible
thank you, M, for this: cell Bible
Can you imagine what would happen if we treated our Bible the same way we treat our cell phone?
If we always carried our Bible in our wallet, briefcase, on our belt, or in our purse?
And if we looked through it several times a day?
And went back to look for it when we forget it at home or at the office?
Can you imagine what would happen if we treated our Bible the same way we treat our cell phone?
If we always carried our Bible in our wallet, briefcase, on our belt, or in our purse?
And if we looked through it several times a day?
And went back to look for it when we forget it at home or at the office?
day 99 Why Jehovah's Witnesses are hated
Why Jehovah's Witnesses are hated
day 95 God's Purpose Moves Toward Fulfillment
God's Purpose Moves Toward Fulfillment
day 94 Spirit Creatures—How They Affect Us
Spirit Creatures—How They Affect Us http://www.watchtower.org/e/bh/article_10.htm
day 93 - the difference between light and darkness
Difference between light and darkness:
One day a man asked Jehovah:" Please show me the difference between The Light of Your Truth and The Darkness of Satan?"
One day a man asked Jehovah:" Please show me the difference between The Light of Your Truth and The Darkness of Satan?"
day 92c Confiscation of Jehovah's Witnesses' religious property in Russia begins
RT @roadrunner72
RT @MacSmiley: Confiscation of Jehovah's Witnesses' religious property in Russia begins http://bit.ly/bXekfo
RT @MacSmiley: Confiscation of Jehovah's Witnesses' religious property in Russia begins http://bit.ly/bXekfo
day 92b Read the "extremist" pamphlet Jehovah's Witnesses are getting arrested
RT @JahismyrefugeRT @MacSmiley: Read the "extremist" pamphlet Jehovah's Witnesses are getting arrested for distributing in Russia ... http://www.twibes.com/short-code/t-EBMDW
day 92 JW arrests in Russia for distributing leaflet
RT @jinojosa: JW arrests in Russia for distributing leaflet - http://www.asianews.it/news-en/More-than-50-Jehovah%E2%80%99s-Witnesses-arrested-in-Russia-for-taking-part-in-a-public-protest-17853 via @addthis
day 91 - it's not God's fault!
RT @Sacredsecret: JAMES1:13 When under trial, let no one say:“I am being tried by God”For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone
day 90 - a loving sister
RT @dreamdispatcher Hello everyone, i.m still having trouble with my eyes, the retina is repaired but everything blurry, i can't read i just listen at meetings
On Tuesday i volunteered to do a talk, i typed it out in 24 font size and had my householder read all the scriptures, what a challange.
BC: how loving and unselfish! you are a wonderful sister!
RT @ColinEnglish: @dreamdispatcher I think you do SO well to tweet when you find seeing to tiring!!!
On Tuesday i volunteered to do a talk, i typed it out in 24 font size and had my householder read all the scriptures, what a challange.
BC: how loving and unselfish! you are a wonderful sister!
RT @ColinEnglish: @dreamdispatcher I think you do SO well to tweet when you find seeing to tiring!!!
day 89 - a cool return visit
RT On Thursday 11th March 2010, @rosepink1984 said:
Well, breakfast with my return visit was really good today! It's always very hectic at her house, things are always happening, phone ringing, people coming, she suddenly has to sweep the floor, load the dishwasher etc so it took a while to sit down and talk but once we did it was really good. She has a more settled job now (before she was doing two jobs for an agency so never really knew what her hours were.) which has more regular hours, and wants to get into a proper routine. She feels that she will have time to study again, and said she got more out of it before than she realised. It would also be good for her son who is in his early teens and struggling with all of that.
I explained that it's very important to study the Bible and go to meetings, and that Jehovah commands us to do so. We read John 17v3 - and I asked her what she could receive if she took in knowledge of God. A: Everlasting life. What would happen if she didn't? She looked shocked and said she wouldn't receive it (she's learned about the paradise in the past and really looks forward to being there, so the thought of not being there was a shock!). I asked how she could take in knowledge of Jehovah - by studying and meetings.
Then we read Heb 10v23-25 - at the end of v25, it says "all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." I asked her what day that was, and she said Armageddon. And does she feel it's drawing near, based on studies we've had before about the signs of the times - we discussed all the earthquakes and terrible things that have been happening lately. So what do we need to "all the more so"? She got the point.
I told her about a friend of mine who has had several operations on her leg, and has to have physio several times a week. Without that physio, her leg won't work properly and due to the damage done to it several years ago, she might even have to have it amputated. The meetings are like a spiritual version of physio - without them, our spirituality will die and we might end up cut off from Jehovah and his family. Physio is vital for my friend, and we need to view the meetings as vital for us.
At the end of our time together, her determination to put spiritual things first was renewed. Satan will try to stop her, and we spoke of that. In the past when she's studied for a few months, things at work have got very hectic and she stops studying. But I really hope that this time she will realise what he's doing and not let him rule her life.
We got out our diaries and booked in when we are going to study and the meetings she plans to attend. We have our CO's visit next week so she put that in, and the Memorial. I really hope she will come. Please keep her in your prayers if you can, thanks
rosepink1984 i really hope that she will work out her priorities and put spiritual things before work and fostering children
rosepink1984 I hope you enjoy reading about my call on my ex-study today.she loves the truth so much but has always allowed other thigns to stop her b4
RT @Jahismyrefuge @rosepink1984 you and your study are def in my prayers. Beautiful experience. May Jehovah bless the efforts of both of you!
RT @payunirbabae: @rosepink1984 Wonderful experience Alice. Great job at teaching to reach the heart.I'm sure she will respond!
RT @ColinEnglish: @rosepink1984 Alice, what an amazing call you had. I DO hope she follows through with what she said she'd do.
Well, breakfast with my return visit was really good today! It's always very hectic at her house, things are always happening, phone ringing, people coming, she suddenly has to sweep the floor, load the dishwasher etc so it took a while to sit down and talk but once we did it was really good. She has a more settled job now (before she was doing two jobs for an agency so never really knew what her hours were.) which has more regular hours, and wants to get into a proper routine. She feels that she will have time to study again, and said she got more out of it before than she realised. It would also be good for her son who is in his early teens and struggling with all of that.
I explained that it's very important to study the Bible and go to meetings, and that Jehovah commands us to do so. We read John 17v3 - and I asked her what she could receive if she took in knowledge of God. A: Everlasting life. What would happen if she didn't? She looked shocked and said she wouldn't receive it (she's learned about the paradise in the past and really looks forward to being there, so the thought of not being there was a shock!). I asked how she could take in knowledge of Jehovah - by studying and meetings.
Then we read Heb 10v23-25 - at the end of v25, it says "all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." I asked her what day that was, and she said Armageddon. And does she feel it's drawing near, based on studies we've had before about the signs of the times - we discussed all the earthquakes and terrible things that have been happening lately. So what do we need to "all the more so"? She got the point.
I told her about a friend of mine who has had several operations on her leg, and has to have physio several times a week. Without that physio, her leg won't work properly and due to the damage done to it several years ago, she might even have to have it amputated. The meetings are like a spiritual version of physio - without them, our spirituality will die and we might end up cut off from Jehovah and his family. Physio is vital for my friend, and we need to view the meetings as vital for us.
At the end of our time together, her determination to put spiritual things first was renewed. Satan will try to stop her, and we spoke of that. In the past when she's studied for a few months, things at work have got very hectic and she stops studying. But I really hope that this time she will realise what he's doing and not let him rule her life.
We got out our diaries and booked in when we are going to study and the meetings she plans to attend. We have our CO's visit next week so she put that in, and the Memorial. I really hope she will come. Please keep her in your prayers if you can, thanks
rosepink1984 i really hope that she will work out her priorities and put spiritual things before work and fostering children
rosepink1984 I hope you enjoy reading about my call on my ex-study today.she loves the truth so much but has always allowed other thigns to stop her b4
RT @Jahismyrefuge @rosepink1984 you and your study are def in my prayers. Beautiful experience. May Jehovah bless the efforts of both of you!
RT @payunirbabae: @rosepink1984 Wonderful experience Alice. Great job at teaching to reach the heart.I'm sure she will respond!
RT @ColinEnglish: @rosepink1984 Alice, what an amazing call you had. I DO hope she follows through with what she said she'd do.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
day 88 Could it happen again?
WITH those words, President Dmitri Medvedev
called on all of us to think seriously about what
happened during one of the darkest periods of our
history—the brutal repression of millions of our fellow
citizens. The President’s words, like the Day of
Remembrance, reflect a noble ideal: that recalling
the mistakes of the past should prevent those mistakes
from occurring again.
The purpose of this tract is twofold: first, to share
with you a part of that dark history that you may
never have been told about; second, to alert you to
a serious danger—that history might, indeed, repeat
itself. In fact, there are signs that the process
has already begun.
called on all of us to think seriously about what
happened during one of the darkest periods of our
history—the brutal repression of millions of our fellow
citizens. The President’s words, like the Day of
Remembrance, reflect a noble ideal: that recalling
the mistakes of the past should prevent those mistakes
from occurring again.
The purpose of this tract is twofold: first, to share
with you a part of that dark history that you may
never have been told about; second, to alert you to
a serious danger—that history might, indeed, repeat
itself. In fact, there are signs that the process
has already begun.
day 87 - a nuclear scientist tells his story of faith
Why I Believe the Bible: A Nuclear Scientist Tells His Story http://www.watchtower.org/e/20040122a/article_01.htm
day 86 - distribution of religious literature is a crime?!
RT @jw_media
Azerbaijan treats distribution of religious literature as a crime
BAKU, Azerbaijan—On March 3, 2010, Famil Nasirov and Amina Mammadova, Jehovah’s Witnesses sharing comforting thoughts from the Holy Scriptures with their neighbors, were stopped by three police officers and taken to the police station. The police confiscated their personal copies of the Holy Scriptures and other religious books, as well as several magazines they intended to share with persons interested in learning more about the Bible....
Azerbaijan treats distribution of religious literature as a crime
BAKU, Azerbaijan—On March 3, 2010, Famil Nasirov and Amina Mammadova, Jehovah’s Witnesses sharing comforting thoughts from the Holy Scriptures with their neighbors, were stopped by three police officers and taken to the police station. The police confiscated their personal copies of the Holy Scriptures and other religious books, as well as several magazines they intended to share with persons interested in learning more about the Bible....
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
day 85 a happy experience
my best friend's son just called me. he lives in the state hopsital, but he says he wants someone to study the Bible with him, and to be able to go to meetings!
day84 - go on carrying the burdens of one another
JWs #DTK "' Go on carrying the burdens of one another, and thus fulfill the law of the Christ.'—Gal. 6:2.
God gives the families of older ones the primary responsibility to provide for them. (1 Tim. 5:4, 8) Jehovah is pleased when families fulfill their obligation toward elderly relatives and thus show that they care about older ones as he himself does. God supports these families and blesses them for their efforts and for all their sacrifices. Similarly, Jehovah is pleased when local congregations assist faithful older ones who are in need but have no believing or willing family members to care for them. (1 Tim. 5:3, 5, 9, 10) Congregations thereby show that they have ‘fellow feeling, brotherly affection, and tender compassion’ for the elderly. (1 Pet. 3:8) Their concern for older congregation members is well-illustrated by Paul when he points out that if one member of the human body suffers, “all the other members suffer with it.”—1 Cor. 12:26. w08 8/15 4:7, 8"
God gives the families of older ones the primary responsibility to provide for them. (1 Tim. 5:4, 8) Jehovah is pleased when families fulfill their obligation toward elderly relatives and thus show that they care about older ones as he himself does. God supports these families and blesses them for their efforts and for all their sacrifices. Similarly, Jehovah is pleased when local congregations assist faithful older ones who are in need but have no believing or willing family members to care for them. (1 Tim. 5:3, 5, 9, 10) Congregations thereby show that they have ‘fellow feeling, brotherly affection, and tender compassion’ for the elderly. (1 Pet. 3:8) Their concern for older congregation members is well-illustrated by Paul when he points out that if one member of the human body suffers, “all the other members suffer with it.”—1 Cor. 12:26. w08 8/15 4:7, 8"
Sunday, March 7, 2010
day 83 - there is a reward!
from Sue: (2 Chronicles 15:7) "And YOU, be courageous and do not let YOUR hands drop down, because there exists a reward for YOUR activity.”
thank you, so much, Sue! that is a very encouraging Scripture!
thank you, so much, Sue! that is a very encouraging Scripture!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
day 82 - life not result from riches
(Luke 12:15) 'Then he said to them: “Keep YOUR eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses.”'
day 81 - do not avenge yourselves
(Romans 12:19) 'Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.”'
day 79 - a God of saving acts
#DTK "' The true God is for us a God of saving acts.'—Ps. 68:20.
From the inspired Bible record then available, David knew that the righteous can count on Jehovah to help them. When Jehovah brought the Deluge upon an ungodly world, he preserved alive Noah and his God-fearing family. (Gen. 7:23) When Jehovah rained down fire and sulfur upon the wicked inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, he helped righteous Lot and his two daughters to escape with their lives. (Gen. 19:12-26) When Jehovah destroyed proud Pharaoh and his military forces in the Red Sea, He kept his people safe, thus helping them to escape a terrible end. (Ex. 14:19-28) David also had a very personal reason for placing his implicit trust in Jehovah’s saving power. David had experienced firsthand that Jehovah’s “everlasting arms” can deliver those who serve Him. (Deut. 33:27, American Standard Version) On more than one occasion, Jehovah had saved David from the clutches of “angry enemies.”—Ps. 18:17-19, 48. w08 9/15 1:6, 7"
From the inspired Bible record then available, David knew that the righteous can count on Jehovah to help them. When Jehovah brought the Deluge upon an ungodly world, he preserved alive Noah and his God-fearing family. (Gen. 7:23) When Jehovah rained down fire and sulfur upon the wicked inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, he helped righteous Lot and his two daughters to escape with their lives. (Gen. 19:12-26) When Jehovah destroyed proud Pharaoh and his military forces in the Red Sea, He kept his people safe, thus helping them to escape a terrible end. (Ex. 14:19-28) David also had a very personal reason for placing his implicit trust in Jehovah’s saving power. David had experienced firsthand that Jehovah’s “everlasting arms” can deliver those who serve Him. (Deut. 33:27, American Standard Version) On more than one occasion, Jehovah had saved David from the clutches of “angry enemies.”—Ps. 18:17-19, 48. w08 9/15 1:6, 7"
Thursday, March 4, 2010
day 76 have a great day!
hope you have a great day! @SisMargitt and everyone! http://pbckt.com/p6.bkMPQ
day 75 i love our worldwide brotherhood!
salathieltj: @bc0035 i'm brazil, i'm jw embora não entenda muita coisa do que esta escrito acho que esta falando de Jeová por isso fico feliz que em outras terras possuimos o mesmo conhecimento.
which when translated [by google translate] means:
salathieltj: @ bc0035 Brazil I'm, I'm jw but do not understand much of what is written I think the Lord is talking about so I am happy that in other lands have the same knowledge.
google translate
which when translated [by google translate] means:
salathieltj: @ bc0035 Brazil I'm, I'm jw but do not understand much of what is written I think the Lord is talking about so I am happy that in other lands have the same knowledge.
google translate
day 74 our Grand Instructor
DTK "'Your eyes must become eyes seeing your Grand Instructor.'—Isa. 30:20.
You have likely had experiences that convinced you of God’s personal interest in you, which strengthened your faith. Perhaps Jehovah proved himself to be in some way a Provider, a Comforter, or a Teacher. (Isa. 30:21) Or you may have sensed a clear answer to a prayer. You might have been facing a challenge, and then a fellow Christian provided help. Or personal study may have brought appropriate scriptures to your attention. Yes, Jehovah proved to be just what he needed to be for you. Think back on your years in the truth. Can you recall more than one occasion when you felt Jehovah’s personal care in your life? If so, remembering those events and how they made you feel can stimulate in your heart the same feelings of love for Jehovah that you felt back then. Treasure those experiences. Meditate upon them. They are proof that Jehovah is interested in you personally. w08 6/15 4:9, 10"
docdaver: @bc0035 Thx for the days text highlights sister. Jehovah is truly a grand instructor. As we travel through time, we can look back and see his wisdom of how he is gracious, merciful and patient with all of us. We see only short sighted views, but when we are instructed through his word, our eyes are opened.
bc0035: y-w. it only takes a minute to copy and paste the day's text and comments, then we all get a nice reminder of it! so i have been trying to do it every day.
leasbreda @bc0035 It is appreciated.
You have likely had experiences that convinced you of God’s personal interest in you, which strengthened your faith. Perhaps Jehovah proved himself to be in some way a Provider, a Comforter, or a Teacher. (Isa. 30:21) Or you may have sensed a clear answer to a prayer. You might have been facing a challenge, and then a fellow Christian provided help. Or personal study may have brought appropriate scriptures to your attention. Yes, Jehovah proved to be just what he needed to be for you. Think back on your years in the truth. Can you recall more than one occasion when you felt Jehovah’s personal care in your life? If so, remembering those events and how they made you feel can stimulate in your heart the same feelings of love for Jehovah that you felt back then. Treasure those experiences. Meditate upon them. They are proof that Jehovah is interested in you personally. w08 6/15 4:9, 10"
docdaver: @bc0035 Thx for the days text highlights sister. Jehovah is truly a grand instructor. As we travel through time, we can look back and see his wisdom of how he is gracious, merciful and patient with all of us. We see only short sighted views, but when we are instructed through his word, our eyes are opened.
bc0035: y-w. it only takes a minute to copy and paste the day's text and comments, then we all get a nice reminder of it! so i have been trying to do it every day.
leasbreda @bc0035 It is appreciated.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
day 73 the Story of Nekata
the Story of Nekita - a very faithful brother!
day 72 new assembly hall
SisMargittRT @htmlnerd: 1000s to attend JW hall opening. http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/top/2010/02/25-25/Thousands-to-attend-Jehovahs-Witness-hall-opening.html
day 71 Jah guards us
joebrrgn72 Accordingly, Psalm 145:20 assures us that “Jehovah is guarding all those loving him
Monday, March 1, 2010
day 70: Jah not leave those looking for him
SisMargitt "Those knowing your name will trust in you, for you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah."—Ps. 9:10
day 60 you're welcome!
Jahismyrefuge RT @bc0035: Jehovah will bless you for putting him first! Mal. 3:10 <<< very true. Thanks Sis!
@SisMargitt make sure to keep praying for them both! they need Jehovah's help, as do we all. i will pray for them, too!
SisMargitt @bc0035 I will and thank you my precious Sis xxx
j*b*72 @bc0035 thanks for info [minor issue]
@SisMargitt make sure to keep praying for them both! they need Jehovah's help, as do we all. i will pray for them, too!
SisMargitt @bc0035 I will and thank you my precious Sis xxx
j*b*72 @bc0035 thanks for info [minor issue]
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