Thursday, March 11, 2010

day 89 - a cool return visit

RT On Thursday 11th March 2010, @rosepink1984 said:

Well, breakfast with my return visit was really good today! It's always very hectic at her house, things are always happening, phone ringing, people coming, she suddenly has to sweep the floor, load the dishwasher etc so it took a while to sit down and talk but once we did it was really good. She has a more settled job now (before she was doing two jobs for an agency so never really knew what her hours were.) which has more regular hours, and wants to get into a proper routine. She feels that she will have time to study again, and said she got more out of it before than she realised. It would also be good for her son who is in his early teens and struggling with all of that.
I explained that it's very important to study the Bible and go to meetings, and that Jehovah commands us to do so. We read John 17v3 - and I asked her what she could receive if she took in knowledge of God. A: Everlasting life. What would happen if she didn't? She looked shocked and said she wouldn't receive it (she's learned about the paradise in the past and really looks forward to being there, so the thought of not being there was a shock!). I asked how she could take in knowledge of Jehovah - by studying and meetings.
Then we read Heb 10v23-25 - at the end of v25, it says "all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." I asked her what day that was, and she said Armageddon. And does she feel it's drawing near, based on studies we've had before about the signs of the times - we discussed all the earthquakes and terrible things that have been happening lately. So what do we need to "all the more so"? She got the point.
I told her about a friend of mine who has had several operations on her leg, and has to have physio several times a week. Without that physio, her leg won't work properly and due to the damage done to it several years ago, she might even have to have it amputated. The meetings are like a spiritual version of physio - without them, our spirituality will die and we might end up cut off from Jehovah and his family. Physio is vital for my friend, and we need to view the meetings as vital for us.

At the end of our time together, her determination to put spiritual things first was renewed. Satan will try to stop her, and we spoke of that. In the past when she's studied for a few months, things at work have got very hectic and she stops studying. But I really hope that this time she will realise what he's doing and not let him rule her life.

We got out our diaries and booked in when we are going to study and the meetings she plans to attend. We have our CO's visit next week so she put that in, and the Memorial. I really hope she will come. Please keep her in your prayers if you can, thanks

rosepink1984 i really hope that she will work out her priorities and put spiritual things before work and fostering children

rosepink1984 I hope you enjoy reading about my call on my ex-study today.she loves the truth so much but has always allowed other thigns to stop her b4

RT @Jahismyrefuge @rosepink1984 you and your study are def in my prayers. Beautiful experience. May Jehovah bless the efforts of both of you!

RT @payunirbabae: @rosepink1984 Wonderful experience Alice. Great job at teaching to reach the heart.I'm sure she will respond!

RT @ColinEnglish: @rosepink1984 Alice, what an amazing call you had. I DO hope she follows through with what she said she'd do.

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